Cat HF201B Felling Head more durable and productive
The head is more robust as a result of a stronger dual box section frame design, improved arm box structures, stronger pin retention and more use of abrasion resistant material on the saw base. Hydraulic plumbing was simplified with a 42 percent reduction in the number of hoses and a 52 percent reduction in connection points. Hose maintenance is easier and the opportunity for leaks is decreased.
The grab and accumulator arms were redesigned with single cylinders, reducing hydraulic flow demand on the carrier by about 40 percent. The arms now have both base and rod end cylinder snubbers.
Tree handling and bundling is improved. The HF201B can hold 7-8 stems 152 mm in diameter as compared to 4-6 with the previous model. The new designs for the grab and accumulator arms and the top tree yoke improve tree control. Changes in the saw base also contribute to the head's performance. A 12 percent larger throat opening makes it easier to position a tree and improves handling trees with butt swell.